Me on a "pretty day" ;0] | | |
15 Interesting Facts About BRANDY
Well first of all, I'm just going to throw it out there that I'm not much of an "interesting" person!
1. I LOVE photography.
2. I workout on a daily basis, starting yesterday. We'll see how long "daily basis" lasts ;0]
3. I have NEVER been in a full blown, physical, fist fight, but Lord, forgive me, there's a HANDFUL of people I would like to make my firsts!
4. I recently learned to HATE Chinese Food
5.In high school I was the girl who was hated & loved all at the same time. I had a TERRIBLE attitude, was very athletic, had the same friends as my younger sister, wasn't popular - but wasn't a loner or geek or whatever else you want to label it as. I was ME.
6. At the age of 18 I was, what some people called "knocked up", I like to call it pregnant. At the age of 19, on August 4, 2009 at 10:06 am I gave birth to the worlds most beautiful 7 lbs 11.9 oz 21 in long baby boy that I have EVER laid my eyes on.
7. I absolutely LOVE to travel and I have been to the following countries/states:
TEXAS - The ONLY state I would call home!
New York
North Carolina
And those are just a few places of travel on a very long list I have!
8. I had the EASIEST pregnancy EVER, & I have the BEST baby every (well-behaved/NEVER cried), but I bet I have the WORST story on getting him here. We won't go into too deep of detail, but it took 24 hours, 2 hours pushing, a threat of "we're going to use the forceps or suction cup", not just ONE but TWO epidurals, PAINFUL ripening tools, my husband being the nurse, & a nurse telling me I wasn't ready to push when I was, & there Aidan was.
9. I can honestly say that the "bestest" Best Friend you will EVER have is your sister & God. I know from experience <3
10. I am VERY shy, talk loud, I'm lanky, & hard on myself. I say "do what", "huh", and "I didn't hear you" OFTEN because I'm either spacey at the moment, or deaf.
11. I graduated high school! Which being from my family, not many of us could say that. It's not a bad thing, but I'm proud of us who did :0)
12. I will argue with a meteorologist that it's not going to rain when it is pouring. I argue about EVERYTHING.
13. I was born in the Guadelupe River town of Kerrville, & have only ever been back there 3 times in my life.
14. I colored on myself the day after my 18th birthday. I don't regret that, either. And probably will have a few more tattoos before it's all said and done.
15. Something I have held in for a long time: I used to post EVERYDAY how much I love it in Italy - they were fake posts. I enjoyed the country, thought it was beautiful, and was somewhat happy to be here, but on the inside.
-I cried almost EVERY night when I first moved here. I was 19 years old, 36 weeks pregnant, married to someone I had only been dating every so often because he was stationed in Turkey, and now I was living with him. I HATED myself and everything around me, BUT Aaron. I cried daily and nightly wanting to go back home. I cursed the wind everytime I saw it blow I hated it here so bad. But that's not the case anymore. I really do love Italy now, and will be very sad to leave it in MAR of 2012. It's beautiful, I LOVE the food, & I love seeing how others lifestyles in a different country are.
These weren't really "interesting" facts, but it's ME, and that's what these next 30 days of posts are ALL about!